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Battle of Varna - a miniature chronicle of Martin Bielski 1564, source: Wikipedia |
recently caught in my small feet, of about 150 pages book by renowned historian Janusz Tazbir "Polish bulwark of Christianity. Myths and Reality." For the most part, it tells of the Polish role in the fight against barbarity in the Middle East XVI and XVII. I blog because of issues (ie, about 476-1492 years) interested in the section on the Middle Ages. The book shows very well how important was the position of the medieval monarchy Jagiellonian informal defense system across Europe.
In the book we read that the State were widely regarded as a barrier from the Muslim world and other threats. In early medieval state that was Byzantium. After his fall, much has changed. Hungary, Cyprus, Crete, the Republic of Venice, Spain, Austria, and Poland - with respect to those countries and areas used determine the bulwark (Lat. antemurale).
extremely interested me facts about Wladyslaw III of Varna - the king of Polish and Hungarian. So far I did not know how combined with high hopes of its unlucky, because the ruler's death ended - Rendering (of the notorious death, I already wrote in another context here.) Wladyslaw appeared as the savior of the entire West, a new great crusader - equal to Richard the Lionheart, or Godfrydowi de Bouillon. Renowned Italian humanist Francesco era Filelfo posted at King, among others, words like:
't you eccentric world of stars ± kings, you t is the bulwark of the whole ł than Christian republic t cija s Union, ".
'You (...) after winning Syri ę and Egypt to open the photo ś ż ca ³ emu poviat Christian t t cija s skiemu Earth Ś ę wi ę t ± . "
hoped, therefore, that Wladyslaw beat Turkey, will reflect the Balkans, and later triumphantly enters into Constantinople, as his savior, pomknie followed by Asia Minor up to Palestine. There were, however, rather wishful thinking - there was no clear plan, not even a coherent leadership, courage Sam King, who was the first Polish king was called a defender of Christianity, was not enough.
The notion bulwark for Polish as a country appears in a rather interesting circumstances. Mianowice has to do with the war, thirteen, turned to the Teutonic Knights.
In 1462 year to Krakow - Jagiellonian capital of the empire, Cretan arrived Archbishop Jerome Lando. November 27 this year, gave a speech recorded by Dlugosz. The Archbishop was a quiet supporter of the Knights - so he urged the king Casimir the end of the war against the Order, so that he could turn all his forces against the Turks - the true threat, doom Christian nations.
In a speech to determine the dead - a shield, a wall, a rampart (Scutum, murus, antemurale) for Polish. The words of incitement to battle with Turkey have not fallen on deaf ears. Above all the Poles tried to avoid war with the High Porte, yet for a long time - the memory of defeat at Varna (an unusual case - Vladislav II as the only one in the history of the Polish king was killed in battle), we refrained from any intervention - but the prospect of Turkish armies besieging Krakow was getting closer. When it comes to the same speech the Archbishop of Crete, we do not know exactly if the words do not put a bulwark in his mouth, John Dlugosz. But it is not according to the author of the book important - so we got a thorough chronicler, although the symbolic date - November 27, 1462 - the day on which the Polish Kingdom was called the bulwark of Christianity - and had to pay for it in subsequent years and centuries, a high tribute of blood.
In 1462 year to Krakow - Jagiellonian capital of the empire, Cretan arrived Archbishop Jerome Lando. November 27 this year, gave a speech recorded by Dlugosz. The Archbishop was a quiet supporter of the Knights - so he urged the king Casimir the end of the war against the Order, so that he could turn all his forces against the Turks - the true threat, doom Christian nations.
In a speech to determine the dead - a shield, a wall, a rampart (Scutum, murus, antemurale) for Polish. The words of incitement to battle with Turkey have not fallen on deaf ears. Above all the Poles tried to avoid war with the High Porte, yet for a long time - the memory of defeat at Varna (an unusual case - Vladislav II as the only one in the history of the Polish king was killed in battle), we refrained from any intervention - but the prospect of Turkish armies besieging Krakow was getting closer. When it comes to the same speech the Archbishop of Crete, we do not know exactly if the words do not put a bulwark in his mouth, John Dlugosz. But it is not according to the author of the book important - so we got a thorough chronicler, although the symbolic date - November 27, 1462 - the day on which the Polish Kingdom was called the bulwark of Christianity - and had to pay for it in subsequent years and centuries, a high tribute of blood.
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